Critical Setting Fixes for PintV & XRV Riders

What’s Wrong?

The out-of-the-box Voltage Tiltback Thresholds, Battery Voltage Cutoffs, Current Limits, and Field Weakening values do not align with recommended settings. If left unchanged, they could compromise your safety or damage your battery.

Additionally, the XRV has an incorrect IMU setting that, if left as-is, can cause negative side effects and will change how the board rides and behaves.

Here’s what you need to fix, and why it matters:

NOTE: Once done, also make sure to follow the Start-Up Guide if you haven’t yet: GTV / XRV / PintV Power Kit Start Guide

1. Voltage Tiltback Thresholds

(Float Cfg/Refloat Cfg > Specs > [Voltage Tiltbacks])

These settings are responsible for alerting you when the battery voltage is too high (from regen) or too low (approaching a critical discharge level). Ignoring this can lead to nosedives and/or battery damage.

  • High Voltage Threshold: Set to 64.5V
    (4.3V x Cell Count - Pint/X & XR have 15 cells)
    Prevents damage from excessive regen.

  • Low Voltage Threshold: Set to 45.0V
    (3.0V x Cell Count - Pint/X & XR have 15 cells)
    Alerts the rider to stop and charge before the battery gets critically low.

2. Battery Voltage Cutoff Values

(Motor Cfg > General > Voltage)

These settings limit the current drawn from the battery as it approaches lower voltage levels to prevent deep discharge, which can permanently damage the cells. Some riders ignore Low Voltage Tiltback, so these cutoff values act as a backup to protect the battery.

  • Battery Voltage Cutoff Start: Set to 40.5V
    (2.7V x Cell Count - Pint/X & XR have 15 cells)
    Begins limiting current to protect the battery.

  • Battery Voltage Cutoff End: Set to 37.5V
    (2.5V x Cell Count - Pint/X & XR have 15 cells)
    Cuts off current to prevent critical damage.

Optional Rider Safety Adjustment:

If you want to prioritize rider safety over battery protection, you can use a 2.5V/2.0V approach for the Battery Voltage Cutoff values.

  • Start: Set to 37.5V (2.5V x Cell Count - Pint/X & XR have 15 cells)
  • End: Set to 30.0V (2.0V x Cell Count - Pint/X & XR have 15 cells)

Note: These values represent the absolute lowest end of the recommended discharge levels for these types of cells. Use them only if necessary and with caution.

:warning: Important Reminder:

DO NOT ignore Low Voltage Tiltback! It’s your first line of defense to protect both you and your battery. Battery Voltage Cutoff values are a backup, but respecting tiltback will save your cells and prevent sudden power loss.

3. Battery Current Limits

(Motor Cfg > General > Current > [Battery])

The PintV and XRV kits come with these limits set significantly higher than the stock Pint, Pint X, and XR batteries are built to handle. These should be lowered to more realistic numbers to avoid harsh voltage sag and possible damage from requesting more current than the packs can handle.

  • Battery Current Max: Set to 30A
  • Battery Current Max Regen: Set to -30A

4. Field Weakening

(Motor Cfg > FOC > Field Weakening)

The PintV and XRV kits come with the Field Weakening Current set higher than what’s recommended for stock packs, along with other atypical Field Weakening settings. They should be set as follows:

  • Field Weakening Current Max: Set to 30A
  • Field Weakening Duty Start: Set to 60%
  • Field Weakening Ramp Time: Set to 500ms

5. IMU - Accelerometer Confidence Decay (XRV Only)

(App Cfg > IMU > [AHRS])

This value affects how the accelerometer readings are filtered and interpreted. A value of 0.02 has been the standard for years. However, the XRV comes with this set to 0.1, which can cause negative side effects and will likely change how the board rides and behaves, compared to the same tune at 0.02. Be sure to make this change if you have an XRV kit.

  • Accelerometer Confidence Decay: Set to 0.02

P.S. Backup Configs!

Once you have made all these changes and confirm the board is still ridable, feel free to Backup Configs again under the Start tab! That way if you have to recover again for whatever reason, you don’t have to make these changes again. Just be sure you set them correctly and didn’t make any mistakes before backing up.


Battery Current as well! Both XRV and PintV Battery Current (under Motor CFG → General → Current) should really be lowered to 30A. I would also set the Field Weakening settings (under Motor CFG → FOC → Field Weakening) to 30A, 60%, and 500ms.


Thanks, Nico! I’ll update the article today.

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yo Nico, would some of these setting change to optimize the use of an cbsp or cbxr batt? if so would it be possible to get an addendum for those?

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CBXR would be the same, CBSP you can probably increase the battery current to 40A. And you also should go to Motor CFG → Additional Info, and set the battery capacity accordingly to have more accurate battery percentage readings (10.5 Ah for CBXR, 4.2 Ah for CBSP)


Nico bro you are awesome. Ill make the changes right away.

Ok so made the changes, and have been getting pushback almost immediately. tail scraping captain morgan. Even at 1 mph. With audible beeping. Ill include a screenshot.
went through the complete set up guide with the changes you mentioned for xrv and the only issue is this “pushback: high voltage”. Im super new so i dont want to deviate too far from the set up instructions. What should i be looking at?

Hypercore; cbsp; dub growler varails

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Under Float CFG → Specs, you incorrectly set the High Voltage and Low Voltage thresholds. They should be 64.5V and 45V respectively. Not sure what you put in there, but guessing it was a setting thay was meant to go somewhere else. So fix that, but also make sure whatever you put there actually goes in the right parameter it belongs to (guessing maybe the voltage cutoffs, under Motor CFG → General → Voltage)


sweet that did it. Thank you Nico! i had “54.5v” in the high voltage the, 45v was correct for low volt. the last thing is the light saber sound but i think ive seen a write up addressing that.

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Sweet, yeah sounds like you just typo’d 5 instead of 6 haha. From what I’ve seen, seems like having the lights on contributes to the light saber sound the most. Tweaking Zero Vector Frequency (under Motor → FOC → Advanced) can also help, try different values between 24-30 kHz and see what sounds best.


you wern’t kidding, lights [off] plays a bigger factor on toning the sound down. i did find 28hz was the sweet spot for the thor for me. and the xrv was closer to 24hz. thank you bro.


Is floatwheel even aware of these incorrect values?

I’ve emailed him a link to this article

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Not sure to be honest. We just wanted to make sure to get the info out there to the masses first and foremost. Have you heard back from Tony?


Does anyone know the recommended settings for a 20s1p with PintV kit?

For all the voltage-related settings in this thread, follow the stated calculations (X Volts * # of Cells, for the various different parameters), just with 20 cells instead of 15. I cant recommend specific battery currents without knowing what cells you used, but if P42A or P45B, I would set Battery Current to 40A


Sweet. Yea its p45b. Thank you!! :call_me_hand:

Hi someone for explain me what is « battery voltage REGEN cutoff start « and the good value for my build ( pint v kit with 15s2p28a

thanks so much !

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Hey, Erwan!

You can tap ‘HELP’ next to any of the settings for more info.


That parameter isn’t meant to be messed with, definitely make sure that’s at its default value of 1000V. Tap Default and then tap Write


After updating the Battery Current Max to 30A I noticed the board is weaker and the board front dips down into nosedive if I accelerate hard enough. I’m ~ 215lbs and would like to increase this - is there any recommendations like 35A or 40A. Is setting to 30A just to preserve the battery a bit more which I don’t care unless battery will dump me.