Critical Setting Fixes for PintV & XRV Riders

Make sure you didn’t accidentally change the Motor Current Max values instead of Battery Current Max values. It’s a common mistake.

  • Motor Current Max: Set to 120A
  • Motor Current Max Brake: Set to -120A

To answer your question about the Battery Current Max values, those are set in order to align with the recommendations from the battery datasheets (safe operating amperages).

Thanks - I double checked everything and also confirmed Motor Current Max is good.

30A is in line with the cell spec sheet, but realistically if you really need the power, you could push it to 35A or even 40A, but it can cause excess voltage sag in some situations and may heat up the cells extra and degrade the pack faster. In your situation though, at least 35A is worth trying out while being aware of the risks, 30A is a conservative recommendation