Owie - Color interface Theme

OWIE user, I wanted a clearer interface.

So I modified the OWIE open source code to change all that, and add a “Back” button to the “Battery” tab. Unfortunately I was not able to work on a color selector to be able to MERGE the project on Git Hub.

So I created firmware by theme.
The configuration and use remain the same, only the theme changes. (BoardBearChris) is changed to the name of your board

Purple background

Grey background

Blood background

Black background

Grey background

Black background (2)

You can download firmware here :


The MD5 .txt file comes with it to verify your download.

To update:

Connect to your OWIE wifi network, go to settings, and choose the file and let it happen.

The system will restart automatically,

you will be reconnected automatically without loss of your battery cycling data and your wifi configuration as well. If you don’t see a difference when you refresh the page, clean the browser cache and/or log in in private mode.

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