XRV Power Kit Fresh Install via VESC Tool but when balancing the wheel spins through very fast

Hi guys, I’m completely new to VESC and started upgrading my stock XR+ with an XRV Power Kit. I wanted to make a fresh new install and therefore i orientated on those videos/sides:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeFLmPA049o
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaKGDummXeE

The problem now is, that when wanting to balance the board in Handtest Mode (standing evenly on kitchen rolls ^^) like surfdado in the 2. video (37:00) by pressing both sides of the footpad sensor, the wheel first kept steady but when tilting the board only a little bit, it went crazy fast. My first attempt was to recalibrate all the IMU settings (all the 4 steps) but now it starts spinning fast already when holding down both sides of the sensor (keeping it evenly, without tiliting it in any direction slighty). I also entered all the specs according to the XRV power kit.

Some Specs:

  • I am using the Vesc Tool Android App
  • Controller: Little_F0Cer_V3
  • FW: v6.05
  • additionally, I installed the Refloat Package

What I did at the beginning:

So first, i made a new firmware update from 6.02 or 6.2 (not sure anymore) to 6.05 (the latest now as i know). Therefore i also did what surfdado said in his video " VESC firmware upgrade to 6.05? V2!!" (cannot post a third link). Also for the rest, i did everything as in the other 2 vids. Then i ran the motor wizard, just like shown in the videos posted above…

The settings i made:

motor cfg/general/current:

  • motor current max: 100 A (alt: 120)
  • motor current max brake: -100 A
  • absolute maximum current: 150 A
  • battery current max: 30 A
  • battery current max regen: -30 A

motor cfg/general/BMS:

  • uncheck all checkboxes
  • temperature limit start and end both to 70 •C
  • SOC limit start and end to 0 %

motor cfg/general/voltage:

  • battery voltage cutoff start: 40.5 V
  • battery voltage cutoff end: 37.5 V

motor cfg/general/temperature:

  • acceleration temperature decrease: 0 %
  • mosfet temp cutoff start: 75 •C
  • mosfet temp cutoff end: 85 •C
  • motor temp cutoff start: 80 •C
  • motor temp cutoff end: 95 •C

motor cnfg/FOC/General:

  • motor resistance: 100.0 mOhms
  • observer gain: 0.8

motor cnfg/FOC/Hall Sensors:

  • sensorless ERPM: 1000.0 (–> due to the new firmware 6.05 i set it on purpose to 1000 instead of 2000 but that does not make a difference, i tested it)
  • hall interpolation ERPM: 150

motor cnfg/FOC/Advanced:

  • zero vector frequency: 27 kHz
  • FOC observer type: ortega original

motor cnfg/FOC/field weakening:

  • current max: 30 A
  • dury start: 60 %
  • ramp time: 500 ms

App Cfg/IMU:

  • accelerometer confidence decay: 0.02
  • sample rate: 800 Hz !!!

Refloat Cfg/Specs:

  • Loop Hertz: 800 Hz so that it matches with the sample rate of the IMU!!!
  • high voltage threshold: 64.5 V
  • low voltage threshold: 45.0 V
  • enable beeper on servo/ppm

ADDITIONAL ON 6.05 firmware:

motor cnfg:FOC/advanced

  • speed tracker position source: corrected position
  • short low side fets on zero duty: enabled

To be safe, before updating the firmware, I made a backup of my working one out of the box from the XRV power kit, i tested it and it worked well. I also tried to restore it but Vesc Tool says that I am now in a new firmware and so that won’t work…

I am glad for everyone trying to help me as I am really desperate now…

Thanks in advance, have a great Day

  • Marco

Edit: tried flashing the original firmware 6.02 where I made the backup but the restoring option still says I am in the wrong firmware. Though, i get the same problem when doing all the stuff again with 6.02. Also, it shows to be in limited mode, I only had UART to connect, but could never connect directly to the little focer.

Woah. Great Scott. Well written post, if everyone worked this hard our lives would be easy.

One simple thing to check, when you re-did IMU wizard, did you write default settings into the IMU tab?

It might help to put a phone in front of a camera viewing imu data/appUI and demonstrate the issue.

We can help you get on 6.02/6.2 (same thing) firmware and restore your backup also.

Hey, thanks for your reply that means so much to me.
What should I say, I just really want to enjoy my new vesc board and also know not to have wasted 450 bucks on that ^^
Regarding the IMU wizard, do you mean to always click on the 3 dots to read the default data and write it in order to reset the data configured before? If you mean that then no I did not do that because when balancing did not work i always startet from scratch with uploading the new firmware version 6.05, doing the motor wizard, calibrating the rest of the stuff as well as the IMU wizard and lastly the refloat package and as far as I know, by uploading a new firmware ALL the settings done before are reset automatically.
Ok I can make a video and upload it on YT but my guess is that the problem is not in the IMU but has something to do with being in limited mode. Down in the app it always says limited mode, next to UART and CAN.
If all this does not help, I would really appreciate your help in restoring the backup I did.

You said:
“Handtest Mode (standing evenly on kitchen rolls ^^) like surfdado in the 2. video (37:00)”

At 37:00 isn’t propped up - the test only works with the board on the ground. You cannot test balance behavior if the board is propped up!

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Hey, thanks for your reply. Yes, maybe I explained my process too bad but like I said I totally did the same thing as you and theboardgarage in the first video. But nonetheless, I worked it out by doing the same stuff as in GTV / XRV / PintV Power Kit - Accidentally Reset Configs / Motor Squeal on Engagement; How to Fix? and loading in the .xml files provided in this article for my xrv kit. Now it’s working again and I am happy af :)))) I have the latest firmware 6.05 also where I made the tweaks you mentioned in one of your videos.
Only thing is, I do not dare to upgrade to refloat, because currently, I have the float package installed.

Thanks for helping :slight_smile:

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