Hoping someone can help. When I try to connect to the VESC Tool app on my Mac (Ventura 13.2.1) via bluetooth, the app crashes. However, my iPhone app connects just fine. Does anyone know how I can get connected to my Mac via bluetooth again or did I lock myself out somehow? Here is a screen recording: https://d.pr/v/m2yohp
This has been an issue for a while. The only workaround I’ve found is go to System Settings > Privacy & Security > Bluetooth. Remove VESC Tool from the list, restart the VESC Tool app, and then you should be able to connect after regranting privileges to Bluetooth.
I have to do this every time I use VESC Tool, FYI.
Hi, I’m having this issue, I’ve removed it from the allowed list in system settings blue tooth, it then gives me the pop up when connect to the board to allow it to use Bluetooth, then the app just quits on me every single time, any new suggestions or work around? I’m on a 2023 MacBook pro, not sure if that matters? Thank you in advance for any advice!