Simple-Start will not work

Hi, when I activate simple-start on my XRV it will not work.
When I engage with single zone it will not work it engage 0.5 seconds then turn off.

Sounds like it might be working as intended. Simple-start will allow you to start the board with a single zone then, after a short delay, it reverts the sensor pad to dual zone sensor so that you can still heel-lift to stop. If you want single zone all the time you need to turn on single zone sensor (posi) which in Float pkg is under the stop settings vs simple-start which is under the start-up settings.

That’s working as it was programmed, it goes to dual zone immediately, single zone is only for engagement. This may be updated in the future at some point, but for now, I’d recommend increasing the Half Switch Fault Delay under Float CFG → Stop, so that heel lift disengage is less sensitive but still possible.


Thank you for the information. I thought the zones would be set to posi until the trip begins.

I think that would be ideal, a rework of the simple start feature is on the to-do list including adding that behavior. But as of now, it immediately turns to dual zone after engaging.