Recommended Discord Servers

VESC-related Discord servers are a valuable resource for real-time interaction and support within the VESC community. These servers offer a platform for users to connect with experienced VESC builders and riders, ask questions, share knowledge, and get help with troubleshooting.

We specifically recommend the following Discord servers:

  • VESCify Discord: This server is dedicated to general VESC discussions and is a great starting point for beginners.
  • Funwheel Discord: This server focuses on VESC modifications for Onewheel boards, offering a community specifically for Onewheel enthusiasts.
  • Floatwheel Discord: This server is dedicated to Floatwheel products, which are pre-built VESC-powered boards, and provides support and discussions for Floatwheel owners.

Benefits of Real-time Interaction and Support

  • Quick Answers and Solutions: Real-time interaction on Discord allows users to get quick answers to their questions and find solutions to problems they might be facing with their VESC builds or configurations. This is particularly helpful for time-sensitive issues or when immediate assistance is needed.
  • Direct Communication with Experienced Users: Discord servers provide a platform for direct communication with experienced VESC builders and riders. This allows for in-depth discussions, troubleshooting assistance, and valuable insights from those who have encountered and solved similar issues.
  • Community Engagement and Collaboration: Discord fosters a sense of community by connecting people with shared interests. Users can participate in discussions, share their builds, and learn from each other’s experiences. This collaborative environment contributes to the collective knowledge and expertise within the VESC community.