Quick stop issues with XRV

I just installed my XRV. I followed all the instruction. I’m having 2 main issues and one small one.

  1. Cannot quick stop well. When I slam my back down and lift my foot the board attempts to go backwards.

  2. When I attempt a quick stop it has begun to ghost backwards.

  3. Can I set the power button to be a click off instead of a click and hold to turn off. This one is minor but I like the click off.

@Jkelley98 I made your post into a new topic :slight_smile:

Follow up.

I turned on reverse stop to be able to quick stop. That’s eliminated ghosting. But now I basically cannot skid at all. It makes it very difficult to curb hop. And when I attempt to skid stop, the board just stops dead and I have to run off the board. How do I enable quick stop without having the reverse stop function on and risk ghosting.

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