Onewheel turns off temporarily when breaking hard

I have the ATR up and running, loaded surfdado’s XML file.
When I break hard (and i think accelerate hard but that’s harder to test) the motor makes a loud noise and cuts out for a brief moment.

Here is a video: link

I am using the stock XR battery with the stock BMS.

Edit: After some investigation, it seems the motor is not turning off, but is actually exerting a large torque in the opposite direction it should, slamming the tail into the ground. Why?


Fixed by starting from scratch, I think I had some weird setting being carried over when I restored backup config. The VESC feels AMAZING :slight_smile:

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My board does the same thing! It will give out at high speeds when braking. I can’t figure it out! If you figure out what it was lmk. I’m same setup lol focer FM battery and bms

This is very old, at the time the wizard could have some wonky effects when previous configurations were present. I believe this is a non-issue now but could be wrong. Make sure check “load defaults” when you run calibration.