Mission Clone Tune by Les Carroll

I have been working on this a little bit on the side when I am not out bombing trails. Give it a try and let me know what you think!


Should get this shared on Float and work together as a community to refine it. It would be cool to see if we can get it identical to Mission even if it’s a step back from VESC capabilities

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That’s my current plan/goal. Have everything I need to build two identical boards, one XR and one VESC. That said, and grain of salt as I’ve only tried it momentarily, but this tune is pretty similar/familiar feeling! Haven’t had a chance to compare it side by side yet


Is that a sharable table, id love to add my current settings for others as well


Such a great tune, not super stiff but fun and playful with that mission feel but VESC power!! Been loving this tune on trails, gives a bit more character to the float. For me it allows for bonks off roots to be easier and the only negative is the nose being softer reacting to sudden steep berms, i have had to adjust to my liking. But overall, this should be the DEFAULT tune, and then using the parameter guide to know which parameter to adjust to your liking.

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I don’t have a shareable table, I just use a blank Excel spreadsheet and fill in the values then save as PDF for sharing.

Thank you so much for your feedback! I have since updated a couple things, one of them being rate and angle P brake scaling. I have rate at 0.5 and angle at 0.3 for that “coast into curb nudge” feel. Further playing around will happen, but I am happy to hear this is in the right direction for a tune designed for a good VESC entry point.

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You know that’s really close to where I was getting on mission cloning numbers as well. The braking is thehard part imo to replicate

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Great Tune! Where is says Booster Accel and Booster Brake Off. Is that default values or set to 0?

The default values for those are off, with the Booster currents set to 0A. The angles can stay as defaults, those have no effect if the Booster Currents are 0A.

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looking at your most recent release notes, torque offset no longer needs to be set from the chart above? got everything else in there, just didnt see that setting.

I have made some final updates to this tune card, you can find the latest and greatest here. Most notable change is in the brake scaling. This brake adjustment is suited for easy curb nudges without losing speed, tail drags and scrapes. I have enjoyed this tune for trick sessions and chill group rides alike.

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Used this on my floatwheel adv pro with mahony set to 2.2 and it feels great. Very playful. Not as solid as my WTF Growler with Enduro but much closer than I’ve ever gotten otherwise

i tried this on my new WTF/Lfoc/18s /HC setup the other day and i like the ride but i find it waaaaay too easy to put the nose or tail into the ground. much easier than og mission. i hit the nose on the ground so some quick starts cuz i wasnt expecting to dip so low.

what setting would control that back forward teetoter effect and how easy the nose/tail can be pushed to the ground?