Hi all, I would love to log data to the SD card of the VESC Express while the Float Package is running. Am I right that the Float Package cannot run at the same time as the LogUI Package? Only one package can run, right? Would it make sense to integrate the log functions into an app and run the app in parallel to the float package or do you have better/simpler ideas? I am using firmware version 6.02 and float package version 2. (Maybe I have to add that I have not yet been able to build the VESC packages (on MacOS), but I can build the firmware ) I am very new here and grateful for any advice!
I think there are various solutions. I have now written a log app that runs in parallel to the UART app (and I am now also able to log IMU values). In the beginning I had difficulties in a shutdown case. Upgrading the VESC Express firmware to 6.05 solved this.
However, in some cases it might be enough to run the Float Package on the VESC and the LogUI Package on the VESC Express
One potential option, is that in VESC Tool on Desktop, you can “Read” the current Lisp script installed on the board (Float Package), and essentially make an extension to it (or just make a new package, if you know how). Potentially, you might be able to just add the lisp file from LogUI and paste it as an addendum to the end of the Float Package lisp script. Haven’t looked into it much to confirm they’d work fine together, but I know I have made additions to the Float Package this way before for quick testing.
That’s also a good idea, thanks for the tip!