GTV Set-up issue

I am one of the newbs that futzed up by settings and ended up with the squeal behavior. I followed the tutorial to fix it, loaded the xmls, did the IMU calibration, hand test etc. The board engages fine, balances, will rock back and forth when I initiate it but as soon as I start moving forward I get dramatic capitan morgan push back.

I have started from scratch, clear IMU settings, uninstall float package, and reupload firmware. Same result. What is going on and what can I provide to help diagnose?

GT, GTV kit, WTF rails, 5inch hub with N48 magnets.

Ok I read the article on battery voltage and adjusted mine accordingly see screenshots any feedback? Again stock GT battery.

I think this may have worked but can’t totally tell yet as it’s raining and my hallway is not very long

Your issue is that for whatever reason, the Float CFG XML file wasnt getting loaded up and written properly, as loading that file would set those HV/LV Pushback thresholds correctly. I would try loading that up again and writing, as there’s some other values from that besides the HV/LV voltage thresholds that are needed.

Thanks I’ll try. I went out that eve after correcting the values and it rode fine for 1.5 mile ride. Went on the same ride today, fine for a mile. I stopped and switched tunes and then went right into pushback, switched tunes back and still push back. Interestingly I set the pushback angle to 1 degree so I could ride slowly home. Turned it off and just came back to it and the angle is back at 8. I’ll re load the files and see what comes back

Screenshots from today when it started after a mile…

Just reloaded. Rode without pushback although I had to relevel for the WTF rails. It seems fine now. Backed up the configs. I’ll take it for a mellow ride and see how it goes.

Curious why it would change mid ride though almost like it erased settings when I changed tunes.

Current settings

Seems good now. Make me worried though that other random settings are off. Guess I have some YouTube to watch. Won’t be cruising fast anytime soon.

THANK YOU! Nico I really appreciate it

Just watched surdado’s video on firmware upgrade. This is how I messed it up…:man_facepalming:

So is it advisable to just not upgrade the firmware?

I have not seen a compelling reason to upgrade. I just did it cause I saw the notice and am a compulsive message clearer. I did learn a lot. But as far as features go there really is nothing major that I’ve seen for normal riding