I feel like this is an important issue/bug that needs to be top of mind when setting up a VESC Onewheel build, with the Focer 3.1 and Ennoid V4 BMS on VESC 6.02
!! Disable temperature and SOC limits on the VESC while using CAN bus between VESC and XLITE !!
The temp sensor 3 and 4 (the ones inside the battery) are prone to noise in the thermistors and that raises the temp reading to 98+ degrees for a couple of seconds, enough to alert the VESC to cut off all power!
I crashed hard last week at 30kmph as my board just cut off out of nowhere. After I got better a few days later I started researching what might have gone wrong and ultimately found those temp spikes cutting off my board again, as riding at low speed.
I contacted Kevin from Ennoid and he advised the above. Aparently its a well known issue, even by Vedder himself, but I feel like theres not enough info out there in the setup tutorials.
It also seems to have been addressed in v6.05 by having those two options turned off by default… but geez… had to find out the hard way.
Please be careful!