Floatwheel ADV - Setup Guide

YourJelly on Discord has put together a fairly comprehensive guide on setting up the Floatwheel that can be found on his site, https://wiki.floatfab.com/. Some notes on charge/discharge behavior and known issues can also be found there. The guide aims to primarily assist the software side of board setup, and I highly recommend it for this purpose, as opposed to the software section of Tony’s setup video which leaves out crucial details.

Follow the following guides, in order:

  1. Hardware Setup (up to 29:40 in the video): https://www.youtube.ru/watch?v=1ZhOdkb2qyk
  2. Motor Configuration: Motor Setup Guide | FloatFab Wiki
  3. IMU Configuration: IMU Setup Guide | FloatFab Wiki

Now you’re almost done, except you still need the Float Package. The best tutorial covering that part is Mario’s comprehensive setup video:

  1. VESC One Wheel Full Setup | Firmware 6.02 & Float Package
    ** start @ 1:13:38

And now lastly do the hand test:

  1. Test your VESC before stepping on it!

The motor tutorial starts with make sure to update the firmware first.
Do I need to download a new firmware or just upload the one shown here ?

Just Upload the one shown, though your board already has the latest firmware, so no worries there. The step is just included in case anyone’s isn’t on the latest firmware, or to cover for when a new firmware update is eventually released in the future

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In addition to this, I’ve created this doc. It’s open to anyone to edit:

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Links to the wiki don’t work

Should be back online now! :+1:

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Noting for newbies: The Hardware Setup video is currently not available on youtube.com due to legal complaint (thanks Future Motion).

However, you can still view the video if you just swap out the ‘.com’ domain in the link with ‘.ru’ domain, e.g. https://www.youtube.ru/watch?v=1ZhOdkb2qyk

I just followed this guide to set up my float wheel and it levels out perfectly when i hop on the board but when i start riding, the nose slowly starts to raise up until the tail is almost dragging. Does anyone know about this issue or a fix?

Can you watch the AppUI tab in VESC Tool to see if your setpoint is changing when this happens, and if it notes any specific tiltback such as High/Low Voltage Tiltback? Did you make the proper changes in Float CFG → Specs?