ENNOID XLITE Foam/Wiring Tips

ENNOID Xlite Foam guide

This guide is for properly protecting your Ennoid BMS (and hopefully other BMS options) from damaging your battery or itself. The example used here will be the Ennoid XLITE v3 that suffered some damage and that does not operate anymore.

In the highlighted/shaded areas, you should place thin foam (preferably no thicker than 1/16th of an inch) on the shaded parts. For the edge where the Bluetooth module would be (opposite to the balance lead plugs), you should fold over the foam onto the other side to keep the PCB of your BMS from digging into the battery itself.

You should run your battery XT-30 and Xt-60/90 and it’s wires under the balance wires, but just above the BMS itself. The wires should not be pressed between the PCB and the battery itself.

Image Credit: Viperbite

Do not cover the circled components with any sort of foam.

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Nice info. I have a spare dead xlite I can dress up and take picture of. Odd statement haha.


would appreciate it!
I have a spare I could use too, I just have to find it again

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