ADC cutoff delay tuning

Hey all,

Has anyone troubleshooted with board disengagement by adjusting the ADC cutoff delay?

First day on my VESC pint I braked aggressively, tail dragged a bit and I must have slightly lifted my front foot off the sensors long enough to cut power ( >250 ms). Big crash.

I’m still tuning the board anyhow but this seemed like it could be a way to maintain board power engagement but also pose a risk for a mini ghosting situation.


Logs and AppUI is your friend, use it. No need to be guessing what happened. The AppUI will show you what kind of disengage reason turned off the board. Also, FloatControl and Floaty both log adc values, so you can see what’s going on. For some sensors the default 3.0V (FloatCfg - Specs) isn’t suitable, so tune it to your specific setup. I use 2.0 on most of my boards.

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Thank you for the info!

Using your/the float control app it showed a duty cycle tilt back fault, the tail end dropped very quickly. This happen while I was braking hard at a speed of about 12 mph. My breaking amp limit was -135amp with a duty cycle limit of 80%. (60v battery).

I’ve upped my limits to -150amp with duly cycle 95%…. but is there anything I should be thinking about adjusting to prevent a cut off when trying to brake hard?

It seems a little strange that it would happen that easily…the brake didn’t seem overly aggressive in comparison to braking on a FM Onewheel pint.

Have you since fixed the issue? Im having a similar problem with my vesc xr cutting off during hard braking.

Im running a ubox 85v and a 20s2p

I haven’t… I’ve changed my riding style a little and plan for braking a lot sooner than I used to have to. It only cuts out for me under very intense braking. But still I wish knew why… I have my data log running so I can see faults but it’s hard to force the fault as it’s rather dangerous to intentionally go fast, brake hard, and plan to basically crash lol